Sunday, February 12, 2006


Certain things just cannot be explained by humans; not even doctors!

I was surprise, amazed and maybe even shocked. Went to medical checkup; the result were excellent! My three months blood sugar content in my body was normal; how can it be? I told the doctor about my condition; he himself can't explain too :) Thank you, Jesus!

Read Lydia's blog just now; nothing much I can say but..." Take care, girl. Everything is in God's hand." Somehow it brough back memories of my grandfather. Seeing him fading off day by day and there's nothing I can do. Visiting him everyday, tried to feed him, help him up and then... he left without seeing me for the last time. After grandpa passed on, I hated the hospital that he died in. But somehow, I have to forgive others; it's time he got to go.

Church people came to my house today; glad that they came and spoke to my parents. I sure do hope it's a big step out for them.

I don't know. Went to Si Yun's place on friday after work. I offered to help her during her performance. MC, narrator and actress. She was quite amazed with me, saying I'm a talent and good in this and that. But somehow, I don't see myself as so. I was like, "Am I that talented to you? Am I that good to you? Why?" I just feel that I still got so much more to learn and acheive.

Study week, last leg of the race. Finish this race and move on, Grace.

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