Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Computing Math paper was a killer today; but well, it's over :)
Another BBQ for the class? Don't think I would wanna go; after that BBQ I was somehow "discouraged". Come on, organise something else; like a visit to the Zoo or maybe a stroll in Palau Ubin? Haa; something excited and adventurous please!
If nothing goes wrong, I'm on my way to Thailand in two weeks time. I sure hope nothing will crop up! Gonna buy so many things over there!
After resting from work for so many days, I don't feel like going back anymore. Fancy doing the job of two person and getting paid as one? Good grieft! Don't know why but I'm tired of the Manager telling me things I don't want to hear. What has scandle in other people's office got to do with me? What are you asking me question that made no sense and...eek! Once she asked me what it means when someone look at you and turn away; I gave her my answer thinking that it must be a guy; but... *Yuck* Not that I look down on them; I just uneasy talking about it. Don't pollute me.
Was planning Praise and Worship time table last night; headache. It's examination period and I don't wanna disturb those who will be taking examination. God, give me Your wisdom to come up with a time table that everyone is comfortable with. I was caught in between when assigning musicians to me. I wanted those that can play; but at the same time I must give them to the rest of the Worship Leaders. Looking at the "challenging" musicians; I told God to let me be fair and I took them. I'm sure all they need is traning and chance to be better! I sure do hope one day that out musicians and Worship Leader would be as good as Stream of Praise or even better! We can do it guys!
Study, study, study! All the best to those who will be taking or is taking exams; doesn't matter if you are in Singapore or not..
Suddenly I miss people like Chang Chi, Cindy.. members from the SOP! Guess we are now busy with our own things; keep in touch though!
Glad to know Chocolate Monster is doing well also :)
Another BBQ for the class? Don't think I would wanna go; after that BBQ I was somehow "discouraged". Come on, organise something else; like a visit to the Zoo or maybe a stroll in Palau Ubin? Haa; something excited and adventurous please!
If nothing goes wrong, I'm on my way to Thailand in two weeks time. I sure hope nothing will crop up! Gonna buy so many things over there!
After resting from work for so many days, I don't feel like going back anymore. Fancy doing the job of two person and getting paid as one? Good grieft! Don't know why but I'm tired of the Manager telling me things I don't want to hear. What has scandle in other people's office got to do with me? What are you asking me question that made no sense and...eek! Once she asked me what it means when someone look at you and turn away; I gave her my answer thinking that it must be a guy; but... *Yuck* Not that I look down on them; I just uneasy talking about it. Don't pollute me.
Was planning Praise and Worship time table last night; headache. It's examination period and I don't wanna disturb those who will be taking examination. God, give me Your wisdom to come up with a time table that everyone is comfortable with. I was caught in between when assigning musicians to me. I wanted those that can play; but at the same time I must give them to the rest of the Worship Leaders. Looking at the "challenging" musicians; I told God to let me be fair and I took them. I'm sure all they need is traning and chance to be better! I sure do hope one day that out musicians and Worship Leader would be as good as Stream of Praise or even better! We can do it guys!
Study, study, study! All the best to those who will be taking or is taking exams; doesn't matter if you are in Singapore or not..
Suddenly I miss people like Chang Chi, Cindy.. members from the SOP! Guess we are now busy with our own things; keep in touch though!
Glad to know Chocolate Monster is doing well also :)