Saturday, September 10, 2005

Leading for God

My body aches after 11 hours of standing *Awwww* Guess that I'm just not getting use to it. Lunch later at Fa Wang Lao Shi's place and I'm still deciding if I wanna meet up with the rest of the guys or go to his place on my own; since I know where he stays :)

Leading praise and worship today, and boy.. I'm prepared. Actually it was s struggle at first. First thing first, I was going on a replacement for Cheryl and was informed of it last minute. It ruin my mood cause usually I need a few days to prepare. On friday, which was yesterday, I was on full-shift from 9.30a.m to 9.30 p.m. By the time I got home, I was dead beat. I didn't even want to do my quiet time, but I settled down and read the Bible. Listening to Wings of the Dawn while reading and this song just simply touched my heart. After reading the Bible, there's a sudden urge to flipped through the it. So, I flipped through, looking at the markings I made. Then I came across Psalms. I like this book, meaningfull and simple wonderful. I was reading through some of the markings I made and stopped at Psalms 139. I made a marking on two of the verses. I picked up the Chinese Bible and read from it. Boy, it was the song I was listening to! I had actually wanted to search for the verse for the song to share today! God is wonderful.

Didn't really want to lead today, cause the flow of people will be little. But.. I know my purpose of leading, is to bring the people to God and not sing to them. Yes, it's has always been my dream to be on stage, leading a big group of people. Maybe I am starting from small yeah? Everything for God alone.

Got to run, will be late..

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