Sunday, June 19, 2005

Jumbled up...

Looks like I've got a buddy with me, with the same thoughts of changing church. So far, only Reu and Dia's mum knows about it. The rest are clueless about it. Wonder how they will react if the day come. "Hey guys, this is my last day in this church. I'm moving on. See ya guys around. God Bless."

Grew up in that church since young, memories follows me. It's kinda sad just leaving like that. I once had great vision for this church, but.. looking at it and the people in it. *Lord, I don't know how to go on.* When I first starting in that church, I was left out. There was a group of children, now youths, I couldn't seem to fit in. I took 6 years to fit it, what a long time. How did I manage to handle that? People from that group, which is still around today.. Grow up and learn. The church will never grow unless we grow. I'm moving on, move on as well.

I have always believed that I am placed in a church for a reason. No matter how bad or traditional the church can be, I must stick to it. After talking to many people about it, the though doesn't seem that right anymore. Kenneth is right, how can I help the church when I am not learning anything? When the time has come, we just have to move on from we are. Even away from the place we are so use to.

How have you been? Haven heard about you for a long time, hope you are doing well. Hope that you are doing well, kept you in my prayers. Whatever you have embark on, give your best. Go for your dream, don't let your physical health stop you. I hope to see you again some day. When will it be? Beats me.. Haa.. But, do take care.

Out of the blue I thought of this person..So many emotions, so many experience and a great lesson learn. Thanks... Things happen for a reason.

Allow me to be emotional, but believe me that I am alright. Just feeling feelings, expressing myself here, something which I will never do when you see me. This is my blog, but there's certain things I can type, for the fear of some people seeing. Irony.

My wounds are healing.Trust me.I am.

A number of people I have not been in contact with. How have you been Si Yun? How have you been Carmen? How have you been all you guys reading?

Time just passed by, leaving memories and footprints behind. Never will the day return to once where we shared wonderful memories. Imagine 4E studying social studies together. Lost contach with secondary school teachers as well. How are you my dearies?

Every time I read Carmen's blog, I am tempted to be mean.. Haa, you're bad Carmen, bad influence.

Lord, come and heal me.. Bring me and hide me inside you.

I wondered how is SC doing in China, been months since I last saw her. I don't know how to get in contact as well. EC told me once she don't access e-mail. Well, kept you in my prayers.

Many people I cared about, but don't know how to express my love and care for them. If one day I were to leave without saying a word, feel that I loved you.

Let's talk about dying. My days are numbered, so is everyone's! Haa.. With my illness, I know mine is. With the future ahead of me, my illness beside me.. How far can I go? Some times I get scared just by thinking about it. Why me I have asked, at a young age, after going through my Os, making into my desire poly, why now? But I believed I am made for it. In today's fellowship, we did some personality test. Mine is dominent. Yeah, I am. Besides, it says that I am brave and determined. I think I am.. Haa.. What say you?

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