Saturday, April 09, 2005

Walking with my disease..

I prayed, prayed that the Lord will have mercy on me...

Went for pre-poly admission body check up yesterday, nurse told me that there's glucose in my urine. I was shaken. This morning, I went back for blood test, nurse said that sugar content in my blood is very high. I'm scare... Did the nightmare came true?

Who do I have to blame? Myself...

Blame me for eating too many sweet stuff.. Should I also blame my mother for passing the disease down to me, and I will pass it on to my child next time?

Suddenly I am at lost of what to do next.. What about my dreams? My goals? My parents? Being the only child, I know they pinned their hope on me. I promised myself, promised God that I will provide my parents with the best that I can.. I just lost my strength to be brave.. I'm tearing, tears filled my eyes.. My vision is blured..

God, don't do this to me..

How am I going to face my parents?

God, I'm scare.. Really scare.. Don't forsake me, God. I need you to be there..

Why? At a young age.. I'm only 17. And this disease is going to be with me till the day I die..

Grace, you got to be strong. God will handle everything.. All things happen for a reason. Trust in the Lord, He will bring you through.

I prayed, asking God for His will and not mine. God, is this your will? Let me know, please..

Haa~ Maybe I will make a big name out of it. I'm not going to let it stop me. The world may forsake me, sky may fall on me... But I know God will be there..To lift me up and tell me everything will be alright.

I still have my dreams with me, they will not leave me.. I still have my faith, nothing can take it away..

God, wept away from my tears.. Let me seek you.. Hold my hands, never let me go.. I'm weak..But God you will make me strong..

I'm born with passion and made for greatness.

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