Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Memories 4E once had

Suddenly... Just so suddenly, out of the blue.. I miss my class and all the crappy moments we once shared..

After Os, after results.. We are seem to have walk on our seperate ways. Gone are the moments we spend as a class, gone are the moments we spend as a group of friends. Can't forget the last few months before O level, all of us were panicky-- which lead to a formation of a study group, out of the blue.

Out of all the classmates, I miss Carmen the most. We were once twinies!! We crap around each other and often comparing results. Slept in class, studies together and went out together. Oh boy, those were the days. Still can remember how painfull it used to be when Carmen hit me, her slap is...powderful!! When to her place, studied, swam and the best thing is.. We even watch the National Parade Preview together! Haha, that was funny! I waited for her at the station, but she came and walked to the stadium herself! After all, we had a fun time watching the preview and travelling down to Bedok after that.

Of course not to forget the girls, the JALA gang. Ling, Ness, Na and Joyce... these people are a joy to my life. Bringing me tones of laughters and tears. Moments of us spending the afternoon in Ling's, Ness' or Na's house is memorable. We even watched a horror show in the midst of our O levels yeah? Instead of screaming, I was laughting! Agnes the scary cat hide under the blankat and Ling was there, almost sleeping!

Miss the teachers as well, those we taught us along the way. Miss the mornings, miss Mrs Chan and Mdm Haliza, the teachers that left foot prints in my heart and path.

When O when, will we gather like we used to do? Everyone has his/her own path to go.. Boy, lucky me I still have my memories with me..

4E, I miss you..

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