Saturday, March 12, 2005

God is everywhere

Saturday morning, here I am in the ofice. Didn't know five-days week applies to office people too, untill Erwin told me. The MD isn't here yet, and all of us didn't know what to do-- so, we are all checking our e-mails!

Went to the healing conference at indor stadium last night, but didn't get it. Too many people and I reach like 7p.m? There's people who queued like 5.30p.m and still can't get it! I waited outside the stadium even when we were asked to go home. God's presence was so strong, you can feel it even when we were not in the stadium. A lot of people stayed behind as well, hoping for a chance to go in. I send Mei Yi to the bus stop and went back to the stadium. I was near the east entrance when I heard a big commotion there. I went up and am surprise to see so many people still outside the stadium door waiting. The commotion was about a little boy, think he was sick and the crowd wanted him to get it, but the "guards" won't let him in. The people was emotional, a man even said," What if it's your child? It's a child's life!" and another lady said,"Jesus never turn anyone away, let the boy in!" I saw the mother and the child,the mother wasn't doing anything, she was there praying and hugging the boy. Finally, after a long while, the boy and his parents got to go in. The crowd cheered and left, but some still stayed on.

I then went down to the premier entrance, lesser people there, but still, hope of going in from the people is strong. Actually I went there to meet a friend, she actually got a letter to go in, but she gave her seat away. She was there helping the usher to calm the people down and explain to the crowd what was going on. Before we left, she came out and prayed together with the people waiting. We left around 10p.m and she drop me off at the station.

What am I surpose to do huh? I don't have to do calling, no one will pick up? So, came to surf net and update this blog?? Haha~

Anyway, yeaterday's experience at the stadium left a deep impression on me. People are so hungry for God! All the more I think we should reach out to the people in need. My that friend was right, God is everywhere! Jesus heals, just believe in Him!

Got to go, update when I have the chance.

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